
Regular Pet Reports

At KS Veterinary Acupuncture, we initially offer a thorough assessment of your pet and an ‘acupuncture taster’ session.

Even though your regular vet will have already examined your pet we think it is important to perform a full physical examination and gait/movement analysis. We will then identify a small number of suitable acupuncture points and insert the needles. Although the vast majority of animals accept treatment very well, there are a small number for whom this treatment may not be suitable for.

If the taster session has gone well, we usually suggest a course of 4-5 weekly treatments. Some animals show a response to the first treatment, others may not show improvement until the 4th treatment. Approximately 80% of animals will respond by the 4th treatment.

After the initial course, depending on the condition and how well the animal has responded, a plan will be individually tailored. This usually involves gradually extending the interval between treatments so the effect is maintained for as long as possible. Many animals settle into a monthly routine.

The ‘ABCDEF’ Plan

As part of your acupuncture course we will also formulate a 6-point management plan (the ‘ABCDEF’ plan). We believe that a ‘multi-modal’ approach to your pet’s care gives better results than focusing on acupuncture alone.

At the end of your initial course we will provide you with your individualised management plan and also send a report to your regular vet to keep them informed of your pet’s progress.